Bought a Meking Type H Swivel Flash Hot Shoe Bracket Tripod Umbrella Holder Light Stand Adapter from taobao through for (68 CNY). Approximately SGD23 after local China shipping, foreign card charges and freight forwarding cost.

Consolidated 5.55kg worth of items from Taobao and have them shipped back to Singapore via 4PX. The heaviest consolidated spree to date! The arrived package came in the form of a sack secured with 4PX clear tapes. Placed order with 3 separate sellers on January 3, 5 and 6 respectively. Initiated freight forwarding request via 4PX on January 8 evening and gotten my items delivered to my doorsteps on January 13 afternoon.
Testing out the 151 CNY (SGD 37.82 = SGD 32.72 + SGD 5.10 4PX forwarding fee) Yongnuo RF-603N1 which I purchased from Taobao via and freight forwarding using 4PX.
With Taobao Southeast Asia ( launched with forwarding agents delivering to Singapore and Malaysia, I’ve decided to give it a try since I have no problem reading Chinese.
The site provided a comprehensive guide on how to register your address with the forwarding agent. Signing up with to pay with my VISA/MasterCard is also a breeze since the sign-up is linked with the membership registration.
After signing up for the member on and choosing 4PX as my forwarding agent back to Singapore. I can now proceed with the real shopping!
Having always wanted to try working with remote flash triggers and a secondary flash, hence decided to place order for the Yongnuo YN560-III Speedlite and the Yongnuo RF-603 N1 wireless transceivers.
The cost of the Yongnuo YN560-III cost 343 CNY inclusive of 10 CNY delivery cost (SGD 74.33). The Yongnuo RF-603N1 cost 151 CNY inclusive of 8 CNY delivery cost (SGD 32.72).